International Night - March 19 5:30-7:00

Did you know that we are going to host our first International Night at Boone Meadow? As a staff, we are so excited to bring to you this amazing opportunity and experience. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, March 19 from 5:30-7:00 PM, so please be sure to place this important date on your calendar!

Also, we are looking for families who are interested in sharing their insights and experiences by setting up and hosting a booth for the event.

What are the steps to follow if you are interested?

  1. You will select a country of choice (it could be your native country or another destination of interest) and send an email to Mr. Gatlin, assistant principal, letting him know about your interest. In your email, please mention your country of choice.
  2. Wait on a response from him in which he will answer any additional questions posed, confirm your booth space, and provide you with additional details.
  3. Be on the lookout for additional emails from him as the exciting event draws closer! The email address for Mr. Gatlin is: [email protected]. We are hopeful that our first International Night will be a huge success!